
Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Party and True Grit

I'd like to say that my meatballs were a huge hit. I plan on making more next time because they went way too fast. We all had a great time. Poor Chris, who has never, in four years I've known him drank more than his share, did just that and had to be cleaned up taken to bed early in the evening. I have some of the greatest friends in the world, though, and everyone was willing to help. We found it funny that we were all ready to go to bed by 10:30 anyway, and so we watched Bruno and a couple people set alarms on their phones for midnight.

We woke up pretty early. Due to some laundry issues from Chris's overindulgence (I won't go into detail, but just say that vermouth smells bad enough from the bottle...) we didn't have a whole lot of blankets to go around when the temperature suddenly dropped overnight. So I made waffles, some friends went and got hash browns and we had Zombie Black Ops and Madden matches for the boys. Chris was feeling better by this time.

After everyone left, I cleaned up a little and then took a nap on the couch. I was super worn out still, and I didn't even drink! Chris and I decided to go watch a movie. We chose True Grit at the Woodland theater because I had a Cinemark gift card and it was the closest one. I haven't seen the original, but I thought it was very well done and I liked it a lot.

We came back from the movie and I turned in pretty early. I still have a lot to do around the house and Chris and I want to go check out some mattress stores today. It's time to get something more comfortable.

Anyway, I had a great time and the New Year is starting of great, even all things considered. I am looking forward to 2011.

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